Markings on Zeagle LP hose

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Juneau, Alaska
# of dives
200 - 499
New diver and just purchased my own gear. My wife and I both bought the 50D/ZX regs - and as I was looking at things last night I noticed that the LP hoses are marked with a "greater than or equal to" 10C stamp (I assuming that means 10 degrees celsius). It's raised my curiosity because our water NEVER even gets that warm - is this something that I need to address? I've never read or heard anything about temperature considerations for hoses, but I'm always eager to learn!

A response from our resident reg guru, Jim Fox:

The marking on the intermediate hose you noticed is part of our European CE marking, which is only really required in EC countries. The whole mark reads "CE 0120, EN250, ≥ 10° C". This marking is for the whole regulator, not just the hose. In Europe, it is to signify that although the regulator was tested to and past all of the performance CE tests, it was not subjected to the “Cold Water Tests” so it is not certified to be used at temps below 10° C.

At the time the CE tests were performed in 2001, Zeagle’s European Distributors did not think it was worth going through the very expensive round of cold water tests, so they were not done (and thus the ≥ 10° C label on the hose). However, since then, our European distributors have requested that the cold water test be performed. They were done by a testing lab in Germany on all of our environmentally sealed regulator models including your ZX/50-D. All of these models passed the tests and we are now going through the equally challenging European Paperwork process. By early this summer, you will see the same Zeagle regulators shipped without the ≥ 10° C labels.
Scott - You're The Man!

Thanks for such an informative and detailed explanation. Good Customer Service is often hard to find these days - and it was a combination of Zeagle quality and your obvious focus on your customers that prompted us to buy a pair of your regs and a Zena BCD recently.

Thanks for the answer to my question and for the great gear!

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