My 'dette to the rescue, scythe in one hand and reg in another making the diving access safe for diver and modern woman/man. (which hand does she put her 21 watt HID on?)
You go girl,
hahahaha! Why, my light's on my left hand, of course. I'm no ssstro...uh, non-safety-conscious diver.
And it's a humble 10W
, except when I'm graced with the mo2 buddy light. I like bringing lobsters home without cooking them first.
My reg would be either in my grille or my buddy's.... or clipped off to the right D-ring. (That would be the one without the chicken.)
So, that leaves my right hand free to wield the scythe.
It will of course have a blunt tip to match my busted-off-steak-knive DIR-cutting tool.
I'm not sure what to do with a scythe, but it sure sounds dramatic!!
Thanks for the props, Tevis, but all the community-service kudos really go to the divers who were active during the Terranea planning phases: Melvin Pasley, Don Robarge, Phil Garner... and certainly others I'm unaware of.
Now, we just need to keep the Coastal Commission up-to-date in case the closures go on too long. There appears to be strong good will on the part of Lowes development to keep public access open. I'm so grateful we won't lose access to this amazing place.