Well, due to bad ocean conditions or buddy being too busy or a myriad of other excuses, I'd been out of the water for months :shocked2: I finally fixed that yesterday, with a lovely dive at Marine Room. Based on the swell-forecast, it looked like yesterday morning was the sweet-spot between last week's choppy conditions and this week's (hurricane in Baja, I'm guessing). When I got to the site, tide was super low and only maybe 1' white fizzy surf was going on. Before going in, buddy said it looked choppy a little ways out, which we did experience before dropping, but again it was only maybe 1'. Since tide was so low, we had a pretty shallow dive (a good bit was at 3fsw) but at least it was nice and warm at 66ºF! The dive was 59min, with a max depth 14fsw and average 7fsw. Viz was anywhere between 10-15', but just sandy and not green or milky. Here's what we saw!
On the kickout, because it was seriously overcast when we hit the water. It did clear by the time we got out.

When we dropped, viz was maybe 8', but we've seen worse.

It cleared up for most of the dive

Now, I'm bad with estimating the size of things, but I want to say this guy was ~3'

After hearing non-stop about starfish wasting disease, I'm always glad when I find one - this one I'd say was a good 1' in size

My buddy found a nice ray!

sometimes viz was excellent

but not most of the dive

taken at 3fsw

the state fish!

And buddy found this nice big guy! They always end up being skates.

Still under the surf zone

And this to show exactly how shallow we were. Why yes, this is a snorkeling spot!

I think conditions will be deteriorating this week, so I'm really glad we got in.
On the kickout, because it was seriously overcast when we hit the water. It did clear by the time we got out.

When we dropped, viz was maybe 8', but we've seen worse.

It cleared up for most of the dive

Now, I'm bad with estimating the size of things, but I want to say this guy was ~3'

After hearing non-stop about starfish wasting disease, I'm always glad when I find one - this one I'd say was a good 1' in size

My buddy found a nice ray!

sometimes viz was excellent

but not most of the dive

taken at 3fsw

the state fish!

And buddy found this nice big guy! They always end up being skates.

Still under the surf zone

And this to show exactly how shallow we were. Why yes, this is a snorkeling spot!

I think conditions will be deteriorating this week, so I'm really glad we got in.