so a follow up to that would be: What do you think about aquariums? Not home types but the public aquariums.
They are an absolute necessity. People who don't dive don't know how cool the stuff in the ocean is, and that it should be protected. I am currently teaching high school biology, we just got through the chapters on invertebrates and fish. I brought in my Humann reef id set, and my kids were blown away. They had no idea of the variety of fish, they had only seen stuff kept small personal aquariums, and fish they had caught at local lakes. Seeing their excitement I offered the kids extra credit to go to the local public aquarium, initially they kids all complained about the $16 admitance fee, but once one kid went and came to school all excited the next day, just about every kid is headed to the aquarium. They are all getting excited and are asking tons of questions about underwater stuff. One kid has sent in an application to volunteer at the aquarium, another has signed up for SCUBA lessons, and 2 others have decided to major in marine biology. These kids haven't cracked a book the whole year, and they are asking if they can do extra credit projects on marine animals that the aquarium doesn't have so they can learn more.
Additionally I am a volunteer diver at the fore mentioned aquarium. The aquarium donates money to conservation groups, our current pet project is sea turtles. We havea loggerhead in one of our exhibits that was injured as a hatchling, and likely would have died in the wild, but is having a great life at the aquarium.
i think aquariums are more important than zoos, but cause a simple vacation to just about anywhere, you can see some of those animals, most people will never have the oportunity to see the animals in the aquarium in the wild.
If anything I think we need stiffer regulations on the personal aquariums. We have a couple of animals at the aquarium that came from people getting fish, who quickly grew too large for their home tank. We've gotten to the point where we can't take anymore pacu or nurse sharks, becasue their are so many people with these fish that grow to be gigantic. There also is a pretty persistant problem of people dumping their aquariums into local waterways when they can no longer take care of them. If you have the chance you need to watch Deep Sea Invasion.