Mares vs Shearwater

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I think my Mares Nemo Wide was my second purchase when I first started diving and I’m very happy with it although I’ve been eyeing that Peregrine TX or even the non AI version and I’m starting to make petty excuses to switch. One of the buttons came off but it is only a cosmetic issue because it was the buttons cover. The one thing I have never legitimately not liked is that it is a pain to find the right o-ring when the battery needs to be replaced.

Anyhooo, when I was doing my Deep cert the instructor was I think wearing a shearwater and a Garmin and after some of the dives he mentioned to me that there were some features on my computer that seemed to be absent from one or both of his. Maybe it was the one extra stop that my computer recommended but wasn’t a deco stop.

Does one of them have a better algorithm than the other or are they just different? BTW my Mares doesn’t have to be turned on, it comes on by itself once I’m in the water - I like that and believe it’s not the case with the Peregrine.
Ditch the Mares and get a SW or Ratio if you can afford one. Anything is better than anything that is a Mares.
What’s wrong with the Mares?
Deep stops are added by some proprietary algorithms such as the various flavors of RGBM but have more or less gone out of fashion. The Shearwater has a much nicer display, runs standard Buhlmann GF, and won't lock you out if you make it sad. It will turn on automatically should you forget to do so. Making the switch should be a no-brainer.
Just a few more nudges and I’ll get the SW. Now I have to decide between AI and no AI. AI would mean I can ditch the Console 3 spg.
AI is certainly nice to have. I still bring an SPG along on trips but haven't used it for years now. Even if you decide against AI you can still ditch the bulky console for a simple brass and glass SPG.
FWIW the SW Perdix AI also turns on automatically. I suspect it's a standard feature on SW computers. They have the sensors, why not do it?

We always have a standard SPG as a backup to the AI. Mechanical depth gauge too.
When you read the brochures don't be fooled by all these flashing "new algorithms", it sonewhat reminds of these restaurants with "new management" signs..

Most, if not the majority of diving computers (including the onrs mentioned in thread) use similar algorithms all dating back for the early 1900s. Yes, some parameters were updated along the years, but basically the origins.

So, you may end up deciding on other factors: cost, form factor, design, cool brand, features such as user replaceable battery or chargeable one, location of buttons, color, air integration or not. Price.

Whatever you choose, most likely is using old (and reliable to some extent?) Buhlmann algorithm ("tissue compartment model based on Haldane's from 1907). RGBM (Bubble model by the late Bruce Wienke who was also member of Scubaboard) is much much modern and different approach of algorithm, but even manufacturers that adopted it are still using Buhlmann on some of their models.

Oh, and lots of computers turn automatically at beginning of dive. Haven't seen one that doesn't for years..
Get AI, even if you can not afford transmitter now. AI is awesome & computer resale value is better.
Used Sunnto for 25 years. I have my original Vyper bought in 1999, and it still works perfectly, never a single issue. Others have had a poor experience with Suunto. Recently received a Shearwater Peregrine as a gift, and so far it's been great. Love the easy to use, highly intuitive interface, and the display is very easy to see/read for my aging eyes. They also have a great customer service reputation.

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