For Sale Mares puck pro (red)

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Reaction score
San Francisco
# of dives
100 - 199
For sale is a Mares Puck Pro in red. $125 shipped

It has been a reliable computer and is easy to see under water. The battery lasts a long long time (years) and the one in there now is still good to go. Buy and dive!

Also included are 10 battery door o-rings so you can change the battery on your own on the cheap. I bought a pack thinking I would change the battery every year, but it has been more like 1 every 3yrs. This really has been a great computer. There is some normal scratching / scuffs on the plastic parts. The glass is in excellent shape. You won't be disappointed in the condition of this computer.

- air and nitrox
- 38 dives on the computer, so is still quite young
- very affordable and not ultra conservative like some brands can be (sunto, cressi).
- both minutes and seconds are displayed during safety stops
- included are a pile of orings to last you until 2040 :cool:



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Tell me what you really think :)

I guess everyone has an opinion. I think it's still a fantastic value in a dive computer and would stand behind it if you were a local and I was selling face to face. It's one of the better low end computers and gets the job done well (my opinion). There are some smart features that some other in this price category don't have, like the button being located on the side so it doesn't take up screen real estate, or being able to change the battery without special tools.
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Not cool to post that on someone's classified listing in general, and just not true. My son and I have both been diving Puck Pros for over 5 years, and I also bought an extra as a back-up/loaner. These are well designed basic computers, with a well-designed display that has everything a recreational diver would need. Don't have to take my word for it, there are plenty of other positive reviews both on this site and on others.

As the OP mentioned, these Mares Pucks are actually not as conservative as other popular basic computers (Suunto, Cressi, et al.), and their batteries do seem to last forever -- and are easy to change with just a coin when needed. I also have a Shearwater Perdix 2 and have been diving both it and the Puck Pro together for about a year, and for normal recreational dives the Puck is not significantly more conservative than the Perdix if you set the Puck on the least-conservative setting. The Puck is a great value for a dive computer, and I'm halfway tempted to purchase this one myself as an extra backup/loaner -- but we've already got 3 in the family, so I probably should hold off.

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