Alright, first off I have searched the board alot on the above regulator already. Anyway, I still have a couple of questions. Everything I have read about the regulator has been great except for the weight factor. To those who have used it, how bad is the weight? If I started with this reg do you think it would be bad as I would only know that reg pretty much (aside from rental regs) Secondly, is the non-venturi valve a big deal? Honestly I'm not quite sure what the whole free flow thing is, but I noticed people said the Abyss tended to do this by the surface so any clarification on this would be great. Lastly, is the Mares MR22 Abyss a regulator that can do any type of diving and do it well? I have heard from many that it handles surface and depths equally as well...Is this true? I have also heard tales of a very stiff hose, is this true and does it really get in the way? Are replacements available and what kind of prices do they go for? Lastly, (I promise haha) will this reg hold up to the rigors of cold water well? I have read that it does but I did not see that it was Sealed. Thanks alot for your help and I'm sorry this is such a long post. I like this reg and the Apeks ATX series but I can get the Mares with Manf. Warranty for $280, the Apeks will cost me well over $400 and right now that isn't feasible, especially seeing how everything I have read on the Mares Abyss has been Positive. Thanks everyone.