Mares complete set questions

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I've just purchased the following from Mares.
- Dragon AT BCD
- Nemo Air Computer with compass
- Abyss 42 Regulator
- MV Octopus
- Mares X-STream fins

Tried them in a confined water environment today to get use to the equipment before heading out to sea and was happy with them. However I have some queries which I would like to clarify. Since Mares does not have an official FAQ or support section, I'll post them here.

1. The 2nd Stage regulator seems to free flow very easily once i place the BCD in the water without the regulator in my mouth. IS there a fine tuning knob or adjustment that I can DIY? There are no authorized Mares centers in Brunei.

2. I love the Nemo Air Computer. However I would like to know if the unit is waterproof when not connected to the HP hose. Say If i accidentally disconnected it in the water. WIll that damage the unit?

3. Is there a way to reset the Logbook on the Nemo Air without using the PC interface? I'm using a Mac and would like to know if there is one for the Mac.

Thank you for taking your time to help me. :)
the free flow are you letting it go into the water mouth piece up. if so this is normal.

the nemo logbook there is no computer you can delete the logbook and you should not be able to disconnect it with your air turned on, it is not recomended to rinse your computer with out the hose attached so i would say its going to flood without it attached during a dive. also you can't connect the computer with the tank valve turned on. my kids have this issue at least once a year.
Dear C5, Thank you for your reply.
So there isn't anything i can do about the free flow? Usually in some 2nd stages, there is an adjustment knob to tinker for easy of breathing. Hope Mares can clarify on this.

Also I dont understand your comment on the Nemo Air. Can i delete the logs without a computer? If so, how do i do it?

there is no way to delete the logs they over write at about 36 hours.

if you lay the reg in the water mouth piece down it should be fine. and just so you know all high performance regs free flow purge side down in the water
if you ever look at cracking pressure for a reg it has some value like 1.2 inchs of water. when you place your reg in the water purge side down once it reaches that cracking pressure it will free flow. this is completely normal. you just have to handle a well tuned reg a little more careful, the abyss is a great reg with a strong following it should bring you years of happy diving. as will the nemo air just keep an eye on your battery status ie. check it at the start of each trip. mine went thru 2 batteries and my wife went thru 1 in the same time period. its a nice computer easy to read dont forget to change the tank size in it when you change tank sizes. have fun with the new setup and dive often!
Thanks guys for your posts. Sorry it's been the end of the month and a little crazy at the shop. I agree with everything C5 Diver suggested. The regulator can be tuned down, although it is not a user adjustment but should be performed by a trained tech. However if the regulator is tuned properly, if held underwater upside down at the surface it is likely to freeflow.


Hi Zak and C5,

Thank you for your valuable information for this newbie diver.
Just did my 5th open water dive. And the 1st official one with all my new Mares equipment and the Nemo Air. (I'm loving it to bits.. coz I like to know how much time i have left, constant readouts of my air comsumption, depth, temp and so on)

When i got home I used the logbook function to fill up my log book.
One thing that suprises me is the temperature. The temperature in the water is 29 deg C. It is shown in the summary screen of dive no. 1 before the information on 20 secs interval.

Now if you press the + or - buttons a few times, the temperature jumps to the current room temp. This is not a big deal, but would just like to know if its normal.

i don't dive my nemo air any more but i think this is the norm for the nemo if i remember correct the temp it gives you is the min. temp of the dive. so it doesn't give you the temp every 20 sec.

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