Hi Scoobie,
I sent you a PM and then came back to this thread.
From what I can gather above the Axis is a Two adjustment 2nd stage (refer to picture page 68).
Adjust the orifice IN to put pressure on the seat by compressing the spring. More IN =higher cracking pressure. Less IN=lower cracking pressure but chance of hissing leading to freeflow.
Then adjust nyloc nut to set lever height to get correct purge and correct full opening of valve on suck.
Inline adjuster is not neccessary but is a nice to have as it saves loads of time:- make guess as to setting by blowing by mouth through orifice hole sweeking orifice in until no leak found, connect up to previously setup 1st stage with correct IP, check for leaks. air off, drain system, disconnect hose, tweek orifice in if still leaking under pressure, reconnect hose, turn on air round and round at 1/4 of a turn at a time till you get it right and add a fraction of a turn to compensate for the seal to bed in.
With the online adjuster AND repeat AND an Apeks shut off/ freeflow stopper on the hose the 2nd stage can be set in double quick time and left in position while you cycle the reg to bed in the seat and finetune it to perfection...To make any adjustment turn off the air with the shut off and press the purge to lift the seat off the orifice BEFORE you move the orifice in or out, then readjust the position of the lever using a 5.5mm nut spinner on European regs (1/4" A/F nut spinner on inch/American regs) through the access hole opposite the hose (cover the hole with you thumb when testing and only fit the plug when you have finished...
The difference between the orifice too far in to just not hissing can give you a cracking pressure as high as 3"+ down to 3/4" and a valve that freeflows if a fish swims past too close..
I cannot recommend setting a valve too low and then giving it to a customer as they would be back complaining that it was TOO sensitive but if it were for your own use that's up to you to make your own mind up and adjust accordingly.
All disclaimers apply and diving equipment should only be adjusted and maintained by qualified Service technicians.....
Cheers from the other side of the pond
Brian C