Mares Axis MR 12 --- Good...Bad??

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Fredericton New Brunswick
Im new to this board and to diving. I just bought a set of brand new mares axis regs and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with them? I read alot that they tend to free-flow is this true? is there anything I can do to fix this problem? Any insight would help!
The free flow situation was linked to the early production models. If you remove the hose from the second stage and look at the plastic hose connector in the metal hose/case connector you will know if yours is among those that were apt to encounter this problem. The connector on the originals was white in color. The retrofit/new ones are green in color.

If yours was purchased within the last two years, then it most likely is of the new design. BTW, not all of the originals had problems. I have a very early one that has never had the problem, and still retains the original seat connector.

This problem continues to be repaired/modified at no cost to the original owner. It usually takes a grand total of around 10 minutes for me to retrofit the parts and properly adjust the second stage.

This type of problem is not real unusual. The bulk of manufacturers have encountered such issues with various models. Mares caught quite a bit of flak, as they have sold a ton of these models. It was a brand new design, as all of the previous connectors were made from metal.

I use this model on my stage/deco bottles, as do a number of my dive buddies. They are an excellent value that (once retrofitted or new design) is very reliable.

Greg Barlow
Former Rodale's Scuba Diving Magazine Science Editor
Thanx for the insight. Also The reg dosent come with an octo. I know the manufactures call for the matching octo to your second stage, Can you suggest an alternate to the mares axis octo?
Thanx for the insight. Also The reg dosent come with an octo. I know the manufactures call for the matching octo to your second stage, Can you suggest an alternate to the mares axis octo?


The key is to pick a second stage that operates in the same suggested intermediate pressure range. This covers the majority of the models on the market with the notable exception of a number of Poseidon regs. The second stage should be properly adjusted to coincide with the intermediate pressure of the first stage. This is a simple job to accomplish, and the shop tech should do so when you make the purchase.

Why not use the Axis octo? It would ease servicing issues, as it is the same model. If you would like another Mares model I would suggest the Proton second stage. It is small, and offers very good breathing characteristics. I own two of the Proton models and dive with a number of friends who use them. The Proton octo runs about $20 or so more than the Axis, and is well worth the upgrade.

Actually in a lot of the mares packages we sell, I suggest using the dacor viper octo. Mares and Dacor are really the same company - so no compatibity problems, and I like an octo that can breath upsidown or right side up. That way if you are handing off an octo to someone on your right, they can breathe off it without having to fight the hose doing a 180 before it gets to them.

As far as free flow on axis - I'd say the main problem is free flow with MR12 1st stages. They use a flat poppet/seat assembly that is prone to scoring of the seat with a resulting intermediate pressure creep and free flow. That's why you have the same problem with the MR12 Proton, Axis, anything with a MR12 1st stage. Actually the V16 1st stage is far superior for a minimal increase in price - and only requires a service every other year instead of each year... but if you already bought a MR12 - that advice might be a day late and a dollar short...
I have an MR12 first stage with a Mares Epos second stage. I use an Axis octo that I got from've been diving them for about 2 years with no problems. I did have a small freeflow problem after servicing last year, but that was due to the tech setting the sensitivity a little too high...which I had them correct. Before my purchase of the MR12, I researched it on Rodales and checked all the testing reports. Its a tested and true design which has provided years and years of flawless performance. Its not fancy.....but its reliable.
Actually in a lot of the mares packages we sell, I suggest using the dacor viper octo. Mares and Dacor are really the same company - so no compatibity problems, and I like an octo that can breath upsidown or right side up. That way if you are handing off an octo to someone on your right, they can breathe off it without having to fight the hose doing a 180 before it gets to them.

My recreational octopus is the Dacor Viper model also, for exactly the same reason, it is "ambidextrous". It does have a purge that is a bit weak, though.

I have an Axis MR12 for a loaner/backup regulator. I did use it as a prime regulator for a while, actually better performance than the price would suggest. No frills, reliable.

All the best, James

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