Bonaire is fairly constant, as far as weather is concerned. Sometimes it can be quite rainy during Oct-Dec. Serious rain usually ends by early Jan when air temps are in the low 70's during the day (shade). Then, it's a steady climb back to the 90's of the summer. In March, the weather should be mostly sunny, high clouds with a possible occasional shower. Showers, even heavy rain, seldom interfere with the diving. There will be a steady 15-20 mph wind from the east. High seas are a rare issue in Bonaire (at least on the leeward side where most of the diving is done) and usually occur in conjunction a major storm during the hurricane season. In general, water vis is always at least "good" and commonly "excellent." It will vary a bit from dive site to site. The likelihood of having a prolonged interval of poor vis is very low. March is high season in Bonaire and it is a popular time to go.