Of course he was trying to cover his hiney... and was guilty for what he did. His nationality should't play into that at all imho ... I felt a bit strange by it being mentioned not as an offense, but sort of with the offense .... unless the law says only Mexican nationals can work as DM
@Christi , maybe you could clarify?
AND, so what about that Playa dive operation? How do the teeth of your rules cut into them? Or was it established that they had indeed not possibly sent that DM / boar "tour poaching" into the marine park. Might it be posdible they are the instigator and het away rather cheap by using their frontline soldiers for cannonfudder as needed? Are we sure that the act of firing the dive guide adresses the heart of the problem... Or might it possibly be another hiney covering act, just one level higher up and not by a Frenchman?
I have no dog in that race but am curious if the investigating goes beyond the guy with the hand in the cookie jar to try to determine if maybe there was an employer that said "you need to bring me some cookies...". I.e. are there any conversations with the DM asking if he was sent into the marine park by the shop (which shurely should have a way of verifying if he does or does not have a valid license... and ditto for the boat... was he on a boat with a valid license? Or not? A boat from that shop or not?)... or if he was going there breaking all the shops rules (presuming they support the various rules of the greater area) as well?
I simply mean shouldn't there be more to this story than just the DM? (boat, "captain", shop)...