I did it about a month ago. We had a group put together by our LDS. We arranged the 5 pm dive on Saturday; they only allow two groups, up to five divers in the group. We did bring our own tanks so we could be sure how much air we have. After a briefing and a tour we went for our first dive in the fresh water tank with sturgeon and turtles. They bring a bucket with worms so you actually feed the fish which is all over the divers. But it is the second, salt water dive we were waiting for. The dive with the sharks is awesome, the guide team is quite strict about the procedure and since this was the last dive they were very punctual with time. But we got our dives and as a nice touch they give you a shirt and a photo as a souvenir. Overall, very good experience. The local dive shop had another run couple of weeks after and this time they went for 1 pm dive; their impression was that the aquarium team was less punctual with time and they had a bit more time to spend in the water. As you dive you can also see other visitors passing in the tunnel so I enjoyed interacting with people. Kids would have a blast when I took my reg out and stick my tongue at them or go for a high five.