divo:Have you been to Brothers? If so, how was it? I've been wanting to dive Brothers for a long time.
Yes I have done the Brothers twice, once back on 2001 and again in 2004. The Brothers are a lovely dive but I wouldn't do them on my own, the itineray normally includes Elphinstone and Deadalus so you get anice mix of wrecks and reefs.
There are some strong currents and there are no night dives so it would be inpossible for anyone to do 5 dives a day there are new wrecks on one of the Brothers, the Numibia and the Aidia (maybe I can't spell) one of these goes down the reef to about 85m, but it is quite easy to pick your depth and spend some time on the wrecks and then work your way back up the reef for the rest of the dive.
We had an excellent Hammerhead encounter on Deadalus reef out in the blue which is something I won't forget and there are good shark sightings on Elphinstone.
If you haven't done it and have wanted to them I don't think you would be dissapointed.