what are you ultimately trying to do with it and how much gas/day do you need? Something like a standard 5lpm oxygen concentrator is only good to feed a 2 MAYBE 3cfm compressor to make EAN32. It's not enough to make any appreciable amount of pure oxygen. I have an invacare homefill setup that has an integrated O2 compressor, but it moves at 1.5-2lpm or about 0.05cfm which is incredibly slow. The concentrator is continuous duty rated, but the compressor is not, but it's essentially good to fill an AL80 every 20-24 hours, albeit only to 2200psi. I don't "rely" on that compressor because you have no idea when it's going to ultimately die. You can daisy chain the concentrators for more flow, but without knowing exactly what you're trying to do with it, it's hard to give suggestions