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I like to look lovely like the rest of the human population, but is putting on chemicals before a dive healthy for the flora and fauna of what we are appreciating?
To be honest I can't understand having make up when diving. On everyday basis I do wear make up and I use good cosmetics but there is no way that make up would stay intact after diving. Are you ladies sure you look great when you get out of the water? And anyway - let's be honest it's almost invisible under water.
I don't use make up for diving or swiming but I do tint my eyelashes so I don't have to worry about mascara and dark smugdes under my eyes.
A female diver came on the boat and forgot her mask. Since we were already underway the DM let her use his spare. When she gave it back the skirt had a thick film of WP make up on it. Discolored it totally. Now wouldn't she be missing all that make up and have a stripe around her face?
what does it matter if someone uses makeup or not? and is it all that surprising that someone who doesn't wear makeup CAN't seem to understand why others happen to be wearing it when going for a dive?? Now if someone who actually wears makeup had info on the best brands etc. that performs well in water based activities, and perhaps that is environmentally friendly.. well that sounds a bit more interesting. Personally I only use water-based products, so I don't worry about staining gear or (I don't think!) poisoning the fishies ;) now if only everyone entering the water would remember on that day to forgo their oil-based products, sunscreen, tanning oils, bug sprays.. anyhow, I probably missed the point of this thread!
Yeah, justleesa, you'd think that would be the case. But then again, she might have had excessive make-up on that perhaps you wouldn't have noticed a difference. A Tammy Faye Bakker in the water.....
Yeah, justleesa, you'd think that would be the case. But then again, she might have had excessive make-up on that perhaps you wouldn't have noticed a difference. A Tammy Faye Bakker in the water.....
Indeed, that could be.
I don't wear makeup when diving and don't get why someone would. But then, I don't really wear it when not diving either. But it's certainly no business of mine what someone else does in this department, whatever! This might make for an interesting survey though...
I don't think makeup would be very effective while diving. I figure that no one is going to notice the state of my eyelashes when I take off my mask and there is snot plastered all over my face. Crude, but true. On dry land, I use a little makeup, but those of you who've been diving with me have seen my face for what it truly is...oh, the horror!

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