Made in USA?

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Reaction score
British Columbia
# of dives
200 - 499
I noticed some guys on the Zeagle forum talking about the fact that some of their products are now made in china vice USA. It got me thinking about the Oceanic line.

Are there any plans to shift Oceanic production abroad? Regs, Computers, and BCDs are still made in the USA right? I know my V12s are made in Taiwan.... What about the Aeris line? Are they made side by side with the Oceanice stuff? I never really understood why the two sister brands, but I always consider Oceanic the "premier" of the two....

All products are designed in the USA. BC manufacturing is in our own facility in China (as opposed to simply buying a product from another manufacturer). All dive computers are manufactured in our California facility. Analog instruments are manufactured in Taiwan (again, our own facility). Regs are currently manufactured in Taiwan as well, with plans to bring it back here to California in the near future.


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