John Gulliver
The 60mm macro lens will not focus closer than 19cm from the subject. It looks to me as though you were too close. If you want to get closer than 19cm, you will need to add a diopter (with a 37mm thread) to the front of the lens.
By the stroke of luck, some unexpected extra money showed up out of the blue and I was able to buy the 60mm lens. I found it used on EBay for $399 (I wonder if it was the same that you saw).
I have been using it for several weeks now and I must say that it is a rather remarkable lens. Now I know what other users meant when they mentioned something like “dancing with the focus mechanism”. On land when the lens struggles to focus for minutes on end I switch to manual but underwater I keep trying and end up shooting a lot of bad pictures hoping to get one right.
The first image is a close up of a skunk cabbage flower and I am wondering whether the areas that are out of focus are normal or are a sign that the lens has a problem.
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The second image is a close up of a coonstripe shrimp standing on an orange sea cucumber. Would you consider the focus on this image acceptable? (Well I think it could be better)
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I have noticed that when the subject is not frozen still the lens struggles to focus too. Even on land I find it difficult to get sharp pictures of moving subjects despite of the lens that I use.