Macro for shallow dives, fisheye for deep?

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Reaction score
South Sound, Grand Cayman
# of dives
5000 - ∞
Or macro for deep dives and fisheye for shallow?

What are the pro's and cons?

I am taking my E-620 with 1.4X and 60mm macro along with my EM-5 with 8mm and 100mm dome to Cayman next month.
Both will use dual Inon Z-240's.
Back when I could get my Nikonos' serviced Viz determined my choice---low viz=>macro, above ~20ft try the wider lenses.
Good point thanks. My hope is all good vis in Cayman.

My initial thought was some of the place on North can have a lot of Eagle Rays and maybe a Shark or Turtle here or there, and some fisheye shots would be nice.
Subject size, yes, and how close you can get to it. A true fish eye can make anything reel small if you don't get close.

Regarding deep versus shallow, I guess you also need to consider how fast the lense is, since there is a limit to how much of the ocean your strobe(s) can light up.
If the cayman vis is as good as it usually is, then I think macro for shallow (where it is easier to find the tiny stuff) and shooting up wide angle on the reef from deep. The deeper you go the more blue to dark blue you can get and if you get to the wall you can shoot up from 100 feet for some really cool photos.
Panasonic 8mm f3.5-f22. It will focus down to one inch as well, so it will be interesting.

Like 3D, I have not shot fisheye since I was a kid, and had a Nikonis II with fisheye. I think what I liked back then was a lot of depth of field! Especially with two Al Giddings flashes.

I understand about the flash as well, and for some reason most underwater creatures like me enough to let me get real close. I am looking forward to some bright sunny weather, and good clear up shots.
I love finding macro critters down deep, and shooting wide-angle in very shallows. But YMMV. Have fun! - Scott
remember to post your pix and have a good trip
Thanks Scott and Deeper. Short trip, so I suspect 5 tanks a day. Hopefully I will have some time to post.

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