M2 rgbm simulation bug?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
The Netherlands
# of dives
500 - 999
Last weekend I was playing with the simulator a bit in the car on my way to a divesite and decided to make a simulation to maximum depth. As i was simulating the decent all was normal till 131m. At this point the M2 freezed for a moment and after pushing its buttons a couple of times i ended up in the main menu again, and all seemed normal and I thought I made a mistake somewhere...

At the divesite I didn't think about the 'problem' anymore and went for my (shallow) lake dive. I had EAN33 in my tank and set on the M2. When i was at 5m, i checked the M2 and noticed it wanted me to make a decostop at 24m and total ascent time was 76min! Because the dive was planned no deeper than 10 meters and only 30min. i continued, using the M2 only as a depthgauge. When i surfaced it went in STOP-mode because of skipping decostops and gave 24:00h desat.time.

For my second dive that afternoon i went to the set5 (saturation)menu en held the <-> button for 8 seconds to reset its values. All seemed okay again, but on my second dive once more it suddenly gave me a lot of decompressiontime. Only after removing the batteries after my dive all was normal again.

So what happened? Did the M2 crash during the simulation and kept the nitrogen values in its memory till the next (real) dive? Did i do something wrong?

Looking forward to your opinion...

Hard to say. The M2 should not crash because you were in simulation mode. Obviously something happened outside of normal operation. After a battery removal "hard reset" did it work properly? You can certainly send it in to a Mares service center for better evaluation. Assuming you purchased it within the last 2 years and it is found defective, it will be covered under warranty.

Sorry to not be of more help, but we cannot diagnose computer issues over the internet. But, as I said if there is a defect found it will be handled promptly.


Hard to say. The M2 should not crash because you were in simulation mode. Obviously something happened outside of normal operation. After a battery removal "hard reset" did it work properly? You can certainly send it in to a Mares service center for better evaluation. Assuming you purchased it within the last 2 years and it is found defective, it will be covered under warranty.

Sorry to not be of more help, but we cannot diagnose computer issues over the internet. But, as I said if there is a defect found it will be handled promptly.



The M2 performed normal during my week of diving on Malta, but back home i tried another simulation, and again it 'crashed'. Now at 122m it freezes and after a while it jumps to the main menu. If you start another simulation (or real dive!) the M2 wants you to decent to 24m for decompression and crashes again around 12m if you try to decent again. Removing the batteries solves all problems.

I'll return the M2 for inspection when I'm near the diveshop where i bought it again... Thanks for your reply!

I have the exact same problem with this computer. This sounds like a serious bug. If you significantly exceed the NDL's of the computer using simulation mode, it will "crash", and then the computer will not operate properly in any mode until the batteries are removed. My guess is that the NDL calculations are "overflowing" in simulation mode and corrupting the memory somehow.

The fact that my dive computer can crash at all makes me a little nervous.

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