M1 RGBM Wrist model

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N.W. Indiana
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200 - 499

I am now ableto sign on after days / hours of trying to do so,..so I will echo what my wife posted and again T H A N K Y O U and Mares corporation you really try your best to help, even long after the sale of your products. We need more of this here in the USA. Thanks again Zak!!

Here is what carol posted>>
Zak Ohara

Daniel has tried for hours to sign on here to scuba board since you called and helped him / us.

So we will just post on behalf of SB member Daniel under my name.

Daniel just completed his rescue diver, and is now a Dive Master candidate in training.

His computer M1 RGBM that I bought for him in 2004 has been very good, and he really loves it, he downloads the data to his computers regulary. On our cruise MAY 5 & 6 2010 Daniel dove caymans, and cozumel and it flooded both times.

I have been riding him to replace it before our cruise in October 2011. I worry that he is safe, and everything is ok.

Daniel was so excited after you two Divers talked on the telephone and got all the needed parts to fix his Mares Dive computer on their way to our location that he called me right away.

Zak as a concerned consumer, user, and wife of a diver I want to thank you and Mares for the way you have supported this safety device, well after I originally purchased it for SB user Daniel.

Zak thank you, and Mares!!

I apreciate the time and effort you took to help Daniel on the computer.

Just wanted to thank you AGAIN for your help AND SUPPORT.

My Computer continues to work just fine with the part you sent me back two years ago.

The computer now has over 365 dives logged and working like a charm!

Mares is the BEST!

Thanks Zak

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