I've never dove Lunada Bay before, but if you are coming all the way out from Kentucky.... You would probably be better off going to some better known dive spots. Marineland is a local favorite for most divers, as well as Christmas Tree and Honeymoon cove. All these spots mentioned are located on the Palos Verdes Pennisula. Christmas Tree, Honeymoon and Lunada are all chained together, one after the other. While Marineland is a quick 5min drive away. Marineland is probably the easiest accessed while many will say Christmas Tree cove has the most consistent good visibility on the whole Peninsula.
If your coming all the way out from Kentucky, I would take a charter boat out to Catalina for a few dives or take the Catalina Express boat out to Avalon to experience Casino Point's underwater park. When your done with that and if conditions permit, a few dives off of Palos Verdes would top off what could very well be a dive trip of a lifetime.
Let me know if you need directions to any of Palos Verdes Spots.