Love my Ranger and DSV/ZX!

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I purchased a Ranger for myself, a used Escape for my wife, and a pair of DSV/ZX with Envoy safe second for my wife and myself. I used them on a few quarry dives this summer, but I really got to use it all in Bonaire. Loved the comfort of the multipiece BC! Being tall and fairly slim, it was nice getting the two pieces in different sizes. My wife couldn't dive on the trip since she was pregnant, but I used both sets of regs. Both were taken to below 100 and performed flawlessly. Enjoyed having the adjustable flow. Keep up the good work on making such great ptoducts, and I'll keep recommending them to people. So glad my LDS sells this stuff. Well worth the price, no doubt I made the right decision. Too bad you don't make dive computers. I think one of the Zeagle stickers is going to make it on to the back of the car.
Any Idea who makes the computer? Looks like it would compete with the DR Duo (Seiko Made)
That looks a lot like my Cressi Archimedes. I'm sure it's roughly the same. Maybe if my wife decides to get a computer, I'll give her mine, and get the Zeagle for myself.
The new computer is made by Seiko Epson, and you guys are right - it is comparable to the Nitek Duo, IQ-700, etc.

Basically, it is a good 2 gas computer and will serve us well while we are working on the "whiz-bang" computer that should be released in 2009!!


Glad to see you guys have chosen a proven winner for your computer. I use the Cressi version, and know a lot of guys that use the DR version as well. Do you have any hints for the new computer for 2009? Just nitrox or will Trimix be there as well?

P.S. Scott, just thought I'd let you know I'm going mildly crazy waiting for my new Zeagle regs. I ordered a pair of Flathead VI's as did my instructor and we opted to postpone shipping until the end of December since he was going on vacation, and it gives me time to get some cash in hand. Good idea, but I'm going nuts wanting to get them in the water!! lol Until then my puppy named Zeagle gets my attention, but he probably won't be as much fun at depth.
Thanks Scott, I'll Pass on the computer. I tried two of these from Tusa and Both Malfunctioned. Sent them back and got Aeris XR-2's.

I did just get a new DS V Reg though can wait to get it wet.

I'll check out the Whiz bang computer when it comes out.
Thanks Scott, I'll Pass on the computer. I tried two of these from Tusa and Both Malfunctioned. Sent them back and got Aeris XR-2's.

I did just get a new DS V Reg though can wait to get it wet.

I'll check out the Whiz bang computer when it comes out.

Just curious - when did you try out the TUSA computers?? One of the benefits (to us) of taking on this computer now is that the early bugs have already been worked out...I hope!! :wink:
Just curious - when did you try out the TUSA computers?? One of the benefits (to us) of taking on this computer now is that the early bugs have already been worked out...I hope!! :wink:

Hi Scott,
I think it was about April 2006. Was when I sent them back so I think March would be when I purchased them.
When they where delivered they wouldn't read until 20 feet. I did a master reset on both. They started reading depth correctly. I took them on a trip and one worked ok the other put my son into violation for missing a Deco stop when he was sitting on the boat after a 45 minute 40 foot dive (approximate I don't remember the detail of the dive). Good luck with them, I hope they have the problems fixed.

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