Louisiana Scubapark

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North Louisiana
I need some feedback from the Louisiana divers on SB. We are looking at the feasibility of bulding a scuba park in North LA, what would you guys like to see as far as attractions, depth, overhead enviroments, onsite gear rentals, number of training platforms,etc. The place we found has 15 ft viz and clean water that should support fish and other aquatic life. Give me some ideas to make this place something that you would enjoy diving. Thanks, Scot
Where are you talking about in north Louisiana? What is the water temp?
A fill station would be nice.
At least 45 feet and some wrecks i.e. old boats, planes etc...

Sounds like a good idea

A scuba park in North Louisiana would be great. Would give us folks in El Dorado, AR another place to dive. Maybe less than 1 1/2 hrs. Lake DeGray is our closest diving locatation. Put anything there. Like dldlee said amaybe a swim thru would be nice.
Whats the place, if you don't mind saying at this point.

My favorite on any dive has always been wrecks, so thats what I would like to see.
Whats the place, if you don't mind saying at this point.

My favorite on any dive has always been wrecks, so thats what I would like to see.
Well, as of right now, it won't happen at the place we had found. The landowner is scared of the liability and is planning on filling the quarries. So, back to square one and looking for clear water again. I'm not giving up, but this will be a major setback for now. Scot
Are you thinking about something similar, say, on the scale of a Clear Springs Scuba Park, Scot?
Are you thinking about something similar, say, on the scale of a Clear Springs Scuba Park, Scot?
Yes, I had found a quarry that had very clear neutral water in it. But, as I posted, that one is unavailable to us. I am still looking and planning to fly over North LA sometime soon. With our soil composition here this is a tall order. Scot
Thats to bad about the quarry. Sort of off topic, but do you know of other public dive spots in North LA? I stopped at Darbonne Lake once in the late 90's while driving by the area, and I could see down to around 6 feet along the shore.

I was just wondering what the quality was like in lakes up there, and if people dove them.
Thats to bad about the quarry. Sort of off topic, but do you know of other public dive spots in North LA? I stopped at Darbonne Lake once in the late 90's while driving by the area, and I could see down to around 6 feet along the shore.

I was just wondering what the quality was like in lakes up there, and if people dove them.
Very little diving done around here. Most lakes have viz measured in inches instead of feet. Almost all of the dive shops around here go to Ark for OW checkout dives. I think there is one in Many that uses Toledo Bend, But even though I've fished Toledo quite a bit I've never dove it. The hydrilla use to clean up Toledo in the summer but, Most of it is gone now. Scot

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