LOST! U/W Camera setup...Reward Offered!

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Shaka Doug

Reaction score
Kihei, Maui, Hawaii 96753, middle of the 808!
# of dives
Aloha O'Hana,

I'd like to ask your help in locating my friends U/W camera setup that was lost yesterday (Wednesday, Sept. 10 2008) out at Palauea Beach (White Rock) here on Maui. It was just a small point-and-shoot Canon digi. He had it on his wrist and it slipped off mid-dive somewhere. We figure it floats so maybe it washed up along shore (which we searched quite well with no luck all afternoon) or is still bobbing around Maui's south shore region. If anyone finds it, he's offering a handsome reward to get it back.

It's a Canon Powershot S-870 in a WPDC-17 housing. It has the short lanyard on it and lots of pics from his Maui visit. He'd really like to get the pictures back.

If anyone finds it, please contact me and I will let my friend (Scott D.) know and put the two of you in touch with each other to arrange everything. Mahalo!

I've lost cameras before and know how much of a drag it is. I thought I'd post here on his behalf as a long shot....who knows....maybe it'll turn up!

Todays Lesson: ALWAYS ATTACH YOUR CAMERA (and your flashlight) TO YOUR BCD!!! Don't trust the wrist lanyard!! I've seen many people lose cameras and lights that were 'on their wrist'.
Good news! Scott is getting his camera back! It turns out that someone found it washed up on shore and asked around the hotels in the area. Scott had left a 'lost notice' with the lost and found departments and they were able to connect with each other. Isn't that cool? I'm really happy for my buddy and very impressed with the folks that found it and looked into who it might belong too! I don't know who they are but heard they're fom Michigan. They certainly earned some 'Good Karma Points' in my book! Way to go whoever you are and thank you to all the Scubaboarders who read this post and were keeping their eyes open for me!
New development on the camera...It turns out my friend Scott was the victim of an internet scam :depressed:. He's not getting his camera back (at least not from this guy) and he's out $100. That sucks! Among other things, he placed a Craigslist Lost and Found Ad, someone saw it and pretended to have the camera. Scott was so happy about this and short on time he really just trusted the guy and even though the guy was a little shady on his answers about the camera, where it was found, etc., he was believable. He told Scott that his son found it on the beach by the hotel. That he already had it boxed up and was ready to ship it out, just needed the address and some cash to cover FedEx (about $40). He wanted Scott to get the camera back ASAP. The guy seemed very sincere and Scott added in some reward for the guy's son and sent a Western Union payment. A few hours later it started to sink in that he probably got ripped off. Now, over a week later, still no camera and the guy's phone number doesn't work.

So, here we have a guy who's desperate to get his photos back. He got a lot of pressure from the girlfriend about losing it in the first place because all their vacation pictures were on it (2 weeks worth including a friends wedding!). He's trying all kinds of ways to find it, searching the beach, contacting the hotels, placing flyers up, posting on the internet, etc. Then we have this loser who takes advantage of his loss and steals from him. Can you believe it? And I was giving him Karma Points! I hope that works in reverse now!

Be warned everyone, don't let this happen to you! Don't get caught up in the emotion and fall for a scam like this. It's easy to do, I was even caught up in it and it's not even my camera. I helped search for it, felt their loss, experienced their sorrow and then felt the joy when I heard that it had been found and was being returned...just look at my prior posts on this. I got a call from another friend saying the camera was found, Scott was getting it back, some guy's kid found it, etc., etc. and I immediatley posted here with the good news! Arrgh! That really ticks me off!

So, I guess it could still be floating around somewhere. If anyone finds it, Scott would still like it back. Mahalo!

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