Lost - rEvo cover nut - Little River - Feb 8

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I left the rEvo cover nut on the bench at Little River today. The nut should be on the first bench on the right when driving in and facing the river. If found, please drop it off at Cave Country. Ah, there is also a medium size spool somewhere, probably around the 30' deco stop. It was a good dive though ;-) Thank you in advance!

The nut looks like this:

Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 5.03.00 PM.png
I hope you find it....How were conditions at LR?
Absolutely phenomenal. There is enough river water to keep the flow down, but 20' deco is in spring water. This is probably the most ideal condition to dive and experience the idylic LIttle River exit.

A friend took this pic:

20' deco is in spring water
Nice....40 foot deco was in river water 10 days or so ago.
Yeah, I am going back this weekend. It is definintely flowing but the flow is tolerable. Took about 40 mins to get to the well casing.
There is a better way to increase post numbers on SB ;-)
Perhaps but I was in a hurry and Morse importantly I wanted to share this sentiment with you because if you are like me you hate lost things 😂

Besides I know how much you love SB
You're a good bud, Wade. Looking forward to caving with you.

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