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Grand Cayman / Houston
I lost my Aggie Ring yesterday snorkeling in front of the Ritz/Villas of Galleon. Saw a barracuda and quickly swam away. By the time I got back in my kayak, the ring was gone.

Any tips to find? Does anyone know of an underwater metal detector service? Willing to pay a reward if found!

Or is this a lost cause I should just give up on?
I suggest the next time you see one or more barracuda or other predatory marine animal, you stay calm and cool and remember that more people are killed by falling vending machines every year than by marine life. Stay in one place, enjoy the moment and the interaction, and then continue on. I mean, you don't panic when you walk by a candy machine, do you?
Bummer. Probably a lost cause if you don't know where it came off.

On the plus side when someone finds it and puts it on, they will start getting all of your "Hey Aggie, give us money" letters! I swear those things have a tracking device in them.
Bummer. Probably a lost cause if you don't know where it came off.

On the plus side when someone finds it and puts it on, they will start getting all of your "Hey Aggie, give us money" letters! I swear those things have a tracking device in them.
Hahaha good point - the silver lining is no more calls asking for money 😂

I know the general area it came off in so gonna go snorkel there today. If it’s meant to be, it will be.
Who the heck writes letters nowadays?
You haven't seen my mailbox, have you?

Aggies love to separate other Aggies from their money.
post on lost and found on scuba board, let the hotel know, let cita know and you might be able to rent an underwater metal dectector and search,
It is really difficult to find lost items, especially rings, when you are trying to recover the object while snorkeling. From my limited experience trying to locate a bracelet underwater, I was unsuccessful despite trying to find it with a full tank, finning slowly about a foot above the sea bed. I can't imagine what a stroke of luck it would be to find a ring while going up and down with snorkel gear above a reef, with all of its nooks and crannies. If you are not a diver, the hotel might help you find, and hire a couple divers that could use a metal detector more productively, and perhaps be able to do a better search pattern. Good luck.

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