Lost a lot of weight - now getting cold

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Around the end of May this year, I decided that I was old and fat. The age part I couldn't touch, but the weight was a different issue.

So I decided to get in shape. In the past three months I've lost just under 50 lbs and if I drop another 10 - I'll be down to having about 10% body fat.

Here is the problem - now I'm getting cold with the same drysuit and thermal wear that I used before. I used to be fine for dives of 90 minutes, but now no longer. I like my Northern Divers thermal suit, but need something in addition to it.

Any ideas?
Probably going to get flamed for this but.... I love my Weezle Extreme+. Very warm. You could also try layering fleece/UnderArmour/etc under your current garments.
Some one start the fire. Actually I've met a few of dry suit divers who like the weezle. Just add polyprop layers to increase the warmth as Matt suggests. Hey he dove thru a tough RI winter.
Some one start the fire. Actually I've met a few of dry suit divers who like the weezle. Just add polyprop layers to increase the warmth as Matt suggests. Hey he dove thru a tough RI winter.

It's not without its problems but there's something to be said for the Weezle when you are sweating in 32F water :wink:
One of the solution is ...to put on weight
But seriously - I get frozen easily so I'm puting extra layer of thermal underware.
So I decided to get in shape. In the past three months I've lost just under 50 lbs and if I drop another 10 - I'll be down to having about 10% body fat.

Here is the problem - now I'm getting cold with the same drysuit and thermal wear that I used before.

How the heck does your suit even remotely fit if you've dropped fitty? Is it the same SUIT or the same BRAND?

Congrats, by the way. That is big stuff. Life changing for sure.

I dropped almost 30 and had to move my bag suit. I'm much warmer now with a suit that fits.

I think that lamont has the right idea. I lost 70#s a few years ago and it was killing me on deco stops. I bought a heavier undergarment. Wear a few more pounds of lead and keep more air in your suit.
Anybody have an idea of how much weight you had to add when you started wearing a Weezle? I've looked at them, love the compressibility and flexibility, but have been repeatedly warned about excessive buoyancy. Of course, I am currently wearing three layers of polarfleece, and I'm not sure ANYTHING is more buoyant than what I am currently doing.

Don't like the DUI Thinsulate garment because it is thick and stiff. The Weezle is thick, but not at all stiff.

Those of us who are, as I was termed by a DM last Friday, "Zero body fat", have got to make it up SOMEWHERE.
Around the end of May this year, I decided that I was old and fat. ... In the past three months I've lost just under 50 lbs and if I drop another 10 - I'll be down to having about 10% body fat.
I was eating ice cream while reading posts, and found yours.

Thanks a lot for ruining my dessert. :wink:

I hate how many layers I have to wear diving locally here in the winter in 36F water. I've been thinking about the Weezle myself. I'm interested to see what others have to say.

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