Los Roques

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Tampa, Florida
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I just don't log dives
Hi all,
I am planning a trip . . .any suggestions on where to stay or who to dive with? Not too much info out there but so far I have found Ecobuzo to dive with and posada aquamarina for a place to stay. Any info at all would be a great help. Thanks! Happy travels/safe dives.
I found the diving near Gran Roque to be fairly uninspiring. The 'quaintness'of the island may have appeal to some, but I really wouldn't relish spending several days there, just not that much to see and do.

The diving near Cay Sal was fairly good, but I don't know if day charters go there.
I found the diving near Gran Roque to be fairly uninspiring.

And I really liked it a bunch. This goes back to the day when the stinky Hughes Antares III plied the waters and delivered us to miriad wooden wrecks.

You had to be ready for shallow current dives and sometimes swirling underwater sandstorms- but glimpses of wooden hulled wrecks and heavy metal pieces (at least one gun) from the 1800's was worth the price of admission.

Whether available from a land based op on Gran Roque? I can shed no light. It is an undeveloped jewel.
I found the diving near Gran Roque to be fairly uninspiring. The 'quaintness'of the island may have appeal to some, but I really wouldn't relish spending several days there, just not that much to see and do.

The diving near Cay Sal was fairly good, but I don't know if day charters go there.
Gran Roque has little to recommend it other than the place you have to sleep and eat. It runs 100% on tourism so the posada owners can be annoying. The food is poor and gets even worse just before the weekly restocking from the mainland. I think they restock on Thursday, and so Wednesday night all the little grocery shops had empty shelves.

I don't remember Cay Sal as one of the available destinations from the dock.

However my family had a great time just playing on the beaches and splashing around in the water. And if you're into bonefishing, it's one of the hot locations for that. There was a bunch of Norwegian bonefishermen in our posada that I shared quite a bit of rum with ...
Hi artichoke,

The original post in this thread and the post by "cyklon_300" are both dated 01/01/06, or about 10 months ago. The most recent post prior to yours is dated 08/11/06, or about 3 months ago.

In the event that these members are no longer following the thread, you may wish to email or PM them.



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