Lord Jim wreck video

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Not always. I'd say I use it about 80% of the time. There are a few of my videos on that photobucket link that are more close-up. The fish-eye attachment really does "fake" better visibility. One problem is that it's hard to find (or build) a light that will cover the same view as the lens. The widest halogen bulb that I can find locally is 60 degrees and it still looks like a small circle in the middle of the screen. I guess the answer is to use multiple lights.
I just ordered Lord Jim from Amazon featuring Peter O' Toole. This was after watching your videos. :D

On completely separate note - did this wreck ever sail the South Seas?
I just ordered Lord Jim from Amazon featuring Peter O' Toole. This was after watching your videos. :D

On completely separate note - did this wreck ever sail the South Seas?
I had no idea they made that into a Movie. I doubt this wreck ever made it anywhere other than locally, but who knows. I do have the book by Joseph Conrad though and I assume this boat was named after that.
What amazing Mark is that you got 10+ minutes of Video on a 60ft wreck:wink:
Excellent video by the way. I will have to dive the Lord Jim with you one of these day.


What amazing Mark is that you got 10+ minutes of Video on a 60ft wreck:wink:
Excellent video by the way. I will have to dive the Lord Jim with you one of these day.


The good thing about Mill Bay is that the nasty vis makes the wreck seem bigger than it actually is since you can only see a bit at a time. If there was 60-foot vis, that video probably would have only been 3 minutes long since you could see it all at once.
By the way, this is one wreck that even I wouldn't want to swim inside. I almost felt worried sticking my head in. Looking at the bulkheads and deckheads (walls and ceiling for normal people), it seems like they could collapse at any moment. The superstructure all seems to be made of half-rotted planks and plywood. I did notice a few new things this time: Two doors had fallen off their hinges. There was a little cabin behind the wheelhouse that still had a mattress on the bunk. On my swim back, there was a small old-style anchor on the bottom about 20 feet deep (that's what I was wrestling with in the mud at the end of the video). The thought of my wife's face as I dragged that thing through the front door dripping rusty mud made me leave it on the bottom.

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