I think the reason that the GUE/UTD/DIR system gets such a bad rap is because a lot of folks come out of Fundies/Essentials/whatever in the "Evangelical" [snip...]
So if people give you crap about DIR or even having an interest in such, smile and let it slide. We go diving to have fun, not start fights.
nice post
Though I sometimes seem to find that the bad rap more so seems to come from people that have never taken a class or been around anyone that has... feelings particularly strong from a group that have "heard about it" or "read about it"...

Can't agree more with lets all dive for fun!
To OP and Lava
Enjoy the class. You will almost certainly learn a lot.
not sure if of interest or value but I too am another one of those people that took the class early on (~dive 25). Opened my mind up to a whole new level, and gave me insight to skill sets that I had never seen.
LDS and others really tried to talk me out of it. Had a few diveshops offer "their class" as a different option. I'm sure some of the other options would have been fine, but...
Just be sure that whatever route you go you there will be video and lots of time to talk with the instructor before and after; or at least that is what I'd encourage.
Again enjoy and keep us posted!
ohhh - - since you mentioned buying gear- - be sure to run any purchases by your potential instructor, and if possible try before you buy!
(ahem also in my experience ran into shops professing to sell "DIR gear" but actually had no idea what it was... I would again emphasize being cautious on any gear purchase... ) If in doubt- buy some books...
