looking to dive in Depoe Bay area

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I'll be in Oregon for a couple of weeks in late July, early August, and will be staying in Depoe bay for 3 days during that period. Any recommendations on how to get wet while I'm out there?

I've checked into the only dive charter I could find online (Tradewinds), but they apparently don't allow for walk-ons. From the pictures I've seen, shore dives don't look like an option either. I guess I'd need a cattle-boat of sorts, or to hook up with someone who already has a charter.

I'll be bringing my own gear, other than tanks and weights (I'd rather not fly with those). I'm hoping that I could find a nearby dive shop to rent those. I've already done a search on the forums here and I know that might be a bit of a challenge as well.

I guess the main limiting factor here is distance, as I won't have a car while I'm there, and cab fare from Depoe Bay to Puget Sound is probably outrageous.

As to what kind of diving I'm looking to do, I'm up for anything. I'm very used to poor/no vis. Long/deep dives and cold water aren't a problem either. As long as I get in the water, I'll be happy.

Any recommendations on what I should do?

First the diving off of Depot Bay can be excellent if you have a boat. I see that you will not have a car. The closest shore diving will be in Newport. about 20 miles south. There is a dive shop there in Newport.
Newport water sports
541 867 3742
I hear that he has a boat for dive trips. That would be off shore diving. You need to be advanced to do this. Talkwith him about it.

The south jetty there in Newport offers shore diving. depending on Vis it can be excellent. Watch your tides. you would want to dive the 3rd or 4th finger. If you come into Newport over the bridge and down toward the south jetty the dive shop is right there and they can help.
Hi C++,

Not sure where you are traveling from or what your experience is, but here's what you can expect in mid summer. Cold water, probably in low 50's, poor viz, 10' if your lucky. A fair amount of surge. Plenty of sea life. If this sounds like your cup of chowder, Newport is probably your best bet. Last I heard Newport Watersports (mentioned above) runs sixpacks on Sundays. Too bad you don't have more time so that you could hook up with a buddy and get to some great sites.

Steve B
Hey guys, thanks for the responses. I'm a fairly advanced diver (divemaster, do mainly cave and wreck diving, mostly in the 90-140fsw range, mostly low vis in the saltwater, advanced nitrox and deco procedures, soon to be trimix as well). Not an expert, but very comfortable in the water. Granted not water as cold as what you guys have (mostly 60-70 degrees), but I'll take it.

It looks like August 2-4 will be when I'm in the Depoe Bay area, the rest of the time I'll be in Forest Grove (about 1/3 of the way from Portland to the coast. Total time in OR will be the 27th through the 9th. I'd prefer to do some offshore stuff, and would be willing to chip in on the trip cost if anything is going down during that time frame. I'd rent a car to get there if the opportunity came up.

I'll look into the shore diving in Newport.


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