I have only used my dc1200 a few times, but have decided that I like to do all the set up the night before the dive. A damp paper towl works fine, just have to watch for lint, but I haven't had much problem. The how to grease the O-ring post earlier works great! I also use a camera brush that I got at the local photo store to clean out the groves the O-ring seats in...works great! Keep it in fresh water when you're on the boat, and push all the buttons while rinsing it off before you open it if you can. If you have to open it while still on the boat, go up front out of the spray and dry it off as much as you can- then open the housing so that the camera 'falls out'..this will hopefully keep water out of the dry area. Change your battery/card and put the camera back in the same way. I also have heard it's a good idea to reformat your card everytime you put it back into the camera to avoid write problems. Now, I just need more practice shooting it!! Good luck