CALI68:What's this talk about a suit flood and a failed check valve? Now I'm getting worried. How do I avoid that. What I need is a step by step instruction of how to use it once it's hooked and and the cath is in place. I'm really sorry but this is super new to me.
Thanks for the help.
You're thinking too much about this Chris. And Pug is a meany and just likes to scare new pvalve users

The bolt is mainly for caves or hard deco, where, if the whole world folds under and your valve starts leaking, you can screw in the bolt and stay dry. Otherwise, for those of us sane enought to stay out of caves, it isn't really an issue. As Pug suggested, tie it off to a bolt snap and put it in your pocket, just in case. The chance of you having a problem with the valve is rather remote.