Looking for Isotherm T in Southern California

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After having spent an hour calling almost all the dealers on Mares' own list of authorized dealers here in Southern California I'm a little frustrated. :)

The suit looks like a good choice to me, but I would like to try it on before buying it, since fit is so important, but I can't find a single place that actually stocks Mares wetsuits.

Anyone here know of any place in the SoCal area that actually stock the Mares suits?

Any help would be appreciated. :)

Order from LeisurePro they have a 14 day satisfaction garaunteed return policy.

You can usually check size charts on the Manufacturer's Website. (the link I had for Mares didn't work).

My choice for wetsuits is Bare (also available from Leisurepro) (I tried Mares suits, the Bare's fit me better)

hope this helps.

PS. Welcome to the boards!!!:)

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