Well mate my version is, to find yourself one, anti pesterable quiet room
and with the camera that usually lives in the housing take some shots as
you use little screwdrivers on the screws and clips, remove clean replace
crap. Leaving on a trip in 48 hours, rapid responses would be great.........
long time photographer, trust me I always rinse my gear well, HONEST, pushing the housing buttons under fresh water, on boat or dock........ rinse, dry........ repeat in fresh water at the hotel room in sink or (yeah sometimes I even shower with my camera gear, but that's a whole 'nother story)...........then it sits for 6 months and I find this packing for a trip when I pull it out for shaft lubing.....
48 hours till I'm leaving to Bonaire, I'm thinking the cotton cloth wrap that I store my housing in must...
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