My 2 cents on this is to make sure wherever you decide to go, if you decide to do an internship with multiple courses, make sure to be clear on what their policy is if you change your mind partway through or something happens and you have to leave. I just finished doing a divemaster internship followed immediately by the IDC, and while I've been here (in the last month and a half, actually), I've seen at least 3 people arrive planning to become a divemaster and leave before even starting the DM course, for various reasons. Two of them were planning on doing zero-to-hero but one realized he got seasick and only completed OW, the other finished his AOW but got homesick. A third person showed up to do Rescue then DM, but changed her mind during the Rescue course. If courses are priced a-la-carte, it might not be an issue, but if it's a package deal, it might get complicated.