Looking for Dives/Divers in the following US locations

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
New York City
I will be traveling for work to the following locations in July. During my time at these places I will have some free days to dive. I would enjoy the chance to get wet in any and all of these places. Any advice you people have would be most welcome!
Green Bay WI
Los Angeles CA
San Diego CA
Seattle WA
Dallas TX
Calgary (Canada)
Quarries, rivers, lakes or whatever. Water temp is not an issue. (I will have my drysuit with me)
I got into diving so I would have something fun to do during "work travel down time". I will have a lot of that down time in the next month. I am interested in dive sites and potental buddies in these US areas.
Please let me know what is avaliable in your home town. Many thanks in advance!! Dave Gallo
Diving in Seattle is good year-round ... although July can be "iffy" with respect to vis due to intermittent algae blooms.

Let us know when you plan to be in the Seattle area and I can give you more specific suggestions about where to dive.

Would you prefer shore diving, or going out with one of our local charters? The charters can tailor your diving options to local conditions (tides and visibility) ... but there's some excellent shore diving as well.

Things to see ... well, some of my favorite dives offer interesting marine species large and small ... giant pacific octopus, wolfeels, ling cod, nudibranchs, warbonnets, to name a few. Dive sites that are current-sensitive offer some of the better diving, as long as tidal conditions make it possible to dive them. Some of my favorite shore dives include places like Skyline in Anacortes, Sunrise in Gig Harbor, Day Island Wall at the south end of the Tacoma Narrows, and Keystone Jetty on Whidbey Island. All of those places must be planned carefully because of the potential for current, but that same current makes them very life-intensive. Some less current-sensitive sites that are worthwhile to dive include the Edmonds Underwater Park, Three Tree Point in Burien, and Sund Rock in Hood Canal. Any of these sites have the potential for providing a memorable dive.

If you need a dive buddy, let me know ... I'll keep an eye on this thread for postings and we can arrange to meet at a dive site when you're in town.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
My Travel plans have changed!
Thanks so much for all the info. Sadly I will be in Seattle for only one day. I do visit Seattle often and I would like the chance to find a bud such as you to explore the PNW waters. Unfortunatly this is not the trip. Thanks for all your help and I do plan on contacting you when my travel plans give me more room to get wet. All the best, Dg

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