looking for dives/buds in these locations..

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
New York City
(forgive the repost..I do not know where this question is best answered)
I will be traveling for work to the following locations in July. During my time at these places I will have some free days to dive. I would enjoy the chance to get wet in any and all of these places. Any advice you people have would be most welcome!
Green Bay WI
Los Angeles CA
San Diego CA
Seattle WA
Dallas TX
Calgary (Canada)
Quarries, rivers, lakes or whatever. Water temp is not an issue. (I will have my drysuit with me)
I got into diving so I would have something fun to do during "work travel down time". I will have a lot of that down time in the next month. I am interested in dive sites and potental buddies in these US areas.
Please let me know what is avaliable in your home town. Many thanks in advance!! Dave Gallo

Where to dive next? Please tell me!
in the Seattle area.. if I don't have anything planned, I would be more then happy to go diving with you!
Hi David. If you're interested in doing any mountain lakes let me know when you're around. I'm south of calgary myself but can certainly meet up somewhere. Depending on where you go it would be about 1.5-3 hour drive from calgary.

Low vis, real cold and not much life to see BUT on the up side, you don't have to rinse your gear off!!

Be happy to assist or dive schedules permitting

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