looking for dive site maps etc.

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Augusta KS
Hellow all, new to diving and to the board. Im looking for dive site maps etc. for places like table rock / Beaver / tenkiller and others in OKLA, KS, and Mo. Are there any such things available on the web or is everyone ploting their own dives on topos?

I found a rough sketch of the hole in oronogo, but it was prety rough.

Also looking to hook up with other divers in SC Kansas.
I have begun charting my dive sites on the Fishing Hotspots brand maps found at just about any sporting goods shop or marina. These are waterproof and fairly hardy maps. They are excellent for determining underwater depths and contours. I found that by taking one of these maps into the local marina or dive shop they are usually willing to point out places/things of interest. I know on a recent trip to Stockton we went into the marina with this intention and they pointed us to a ski boat that had just sunk the night before. (and yes, we found it) Also, there are several web sites with info but no maps. Try www.scuba-sports.com for Table Rock sites and www.scubaadventurer.com for other sites in the midwest. Good luck! Brandon
Welcome to the board. Haven't dove around here so I can't help with maps, but I am just down the street (56 hwy) in Andover. Perhaps we can go blow bubbles sometime. Just need a good excuse to sneek away from wife and kids.
Welcome to the board. I am new to the area and would also like to meet some people with some knowledge of the region.

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