Looking for a superb diving early September

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Reaction score
Moscow, Russia
# of dives
200 - 499
Hello people,
I would greatly appreciate your advice. Searching for a place to go together with my buddy early September for two weeks.
we love Asia so I,d prefer to consider available destinations in Asia before making a hard decision to go to Egypt where my buddy advises to go (it,s a short flight from Germany and great visibility there)
Wanted: 5 dives a day, landbased accomodation preferrably, very warm waters, visibility 50 m=150 ft (while outside of muck spots), abundant and diverse marinelife, great macro, some blue water spots, drrift and wall diving, colourful corals :) Good season for marinelife and visibility is important, while we Don,t care that much about an outside weather, nightlife etc .
Our beloved destinations so far have been Sipadan and Lembeh..could go there again but the underwater stuff had definitely become tired of us in Lembeh while diving one day in 10 days stay in Sipadan if unlucky won,t make my happy..
read a lot about other places...derawan, .... have an offer for Komodo liveaboard, Wakatobi offer...without being really able to understand if it,s really worth it.
I desire help! What,s my choice??
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1- Komodo (Komodo resort), 30m viz, colorful coral, lots of fish
2- Bali : Lembongan (great blue water and coral diving, though can be coldish) + Tulamben (macro + corals)
3- Alor, further east.

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