Looking for a scuba store in San Jose, Costa Rica

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United States
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0 - 24
Sorry to post such a mundane question, but I got down here with no gear (didn't know I'd have a chance to go diving)...and now I just want to do some snorkeling. San Jose is a long way from any ocean, but there has to be a dive shop around here somewhere. Can somebody point me in the right direction? (Yes, I realize I can rent almost anything almost anywhere, but I'm hard to fit for a mask, and I'd like to find one that doesn't leak!) Muchas gracias in advance for any helpful info!
Diving Mania is the only Scuba specific store I've heard of in the area. I usually buy my gear when I travel to Chicago so can't say how good of a shop it is or how wide of a selection they may have, but I imagine that the prices are higher than what you are use to seeing online or locally in the US.

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