Action Divers, and perhaps others in PG, dove at set times, 9:00am, back to shore for surface interval, 12:00, back to shore, then 3:00p (sometimes), regardless of the tides and current conditions. The boat always had at least 6 divers plus the divemaster. Also, I asked and asked but never was able to set up a night dive. I would imagine you could possibly make arrangements with them or ask around and get more of a 1 with 1 dive experience. You'll pay more for that, if you could even arrange that.
The good thing about PG is the surface interval. Plenty of things to do, bars, restaurants, beach, internet cafe, shopping,etc. If you're travelling with some buddies, this is the place to go. If you're with your sweetie I would recommend Anilao.
Anilao has more of the "all inclusive" style resorts being as most are located on a semi-remote coastal road. All supply food and drinks. The atmosphere was more relaxed and laid back in my experience (I did have sweetie ko with me
).I've only stayed at Arthur's Place and Eagle Point but I've read about many other great resorts as well. But, the diving was totally all about me and around my schedule. Whatever, where ever and as many as I wanted was my diving experience. There are just as many great dive sites in Anilao as there are in PG in my opinion.
There are a ton of threads here about the Anilao/PG area and recommendations.