Looking for a bcd... Considering zeagle

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I wouldn't bother... BPW is like a religion on scubaboard. With lots of active missionaries preaching the word. And just like a religion they won't be persuaded one way or another!

Find something that fits great and you like - even if it is a inner tube and go diving. Figure the rest out as you go. A Ranger you buy today will sell for almost the same in a year or two should you change your mind.
I may be buyist but I think the Zeagle Brigade is the nicest out there. Its kind of a cross between a Ranger and a Stiletto. Rugged by lighter and smaller for travel. You should take a look. I have sold Zeagle for nearly 17 years and become the largest Zeagle dealer by doing so. Nothing in or store sales better than the Brigade. Its worth the look.
Nothing at all wrong with a Zeagle. I started with a Seaquest Jacket style when I was younger. After about 10 years or so with that, I got an Aqualung Patriot Back Inflate. Definitely felt much better with the Back Inflate over the Seaquest. Last year, I switched to a Zeagle Stiletto. In diving with the Zeagle, I discovered a few things.

Neither the Seaquest or Aqualung fit me as well. Both were OK, but not ideal. With the Zeagle, the shop had me try on a Medium, and quickly realized that I needed a different shoulder section. They swapped it out while I waited. So, the BC I dive with has a Medium waist & Large shoulder section. This fits me perfect.

I also found out the Aqualung was way more buoyant. I used just enough weight to keep me from being positive at the end of a dive. I was able to remove around 4 lbs with the Zeagle.

I like my gear being clean, and I always struggled with getting the interior of the bladder clean enough to my liking. There just wasn't a real good method to get it flushed right. The Zeagle BX coupler is just perfect. I pour some conditioner down the inflator hose, connect the hose, and flush. Can do this while I'm tending to my other gear. Additionally, I dive with an Octo-Z alternate air/inflator. It's nice to be able to quickly remove that from the BC, so I can store the Octo-Z with my regulator. Eliminates the possibility of getting water where it shouldn't be in the Octo-Z.

Some don't like the Ripcord weight system. I'm not one of those people. It takes more time to re-set, but this isn't really a big deal. I was able to re-set the rip cord system in only a couple of minutes on my first attempt. I like the fact that if needed, it dumps both pockets at the same time. I also like the fact that custom pockets are not required. In the unlikely event that I forget weights, I could still borrow weight from a buddy if needed.

If I dove doubles, the Stiletto wouldn't be what I need, but for singles, it does everything I need.

My daughter will be getting certified later this year. I'll most likely pick her up a Lazer. She's still got some growing to do, so I expect the size that fits her now won't be what she needs in a few years. With the Lazer, at least I could order just the components needed so the BC will grow with her.
Zeagle makes a great product that lasts. The Personal Sizing feature makes it really customizable to your fit. It's not going to limit you if you want to go into Tech diving as it will take doubles just as easily as a backplate and can be set up for side mount, just like transpacks and back plates are before dedicated side mount gear was developed. It's more important to decide what works for you and your type of diving and what you like. Too many people will try and convince you one thing/way (usually theirs) is the very best. This is not one size fits all.
Find what works for you and go have fun
There was some discussion awhile back on the reasons why the weight trim pockets of the Zeagle Ranger are in the lower cam bands even when the ripcord weight pockets are already located in the waist area. Could this be because the design of the BC and the horseshoe shaped wing in particular results in a more "butt up" trim and therefore, they designed the weight pockets to be where they are? I've tried the Ranger once and was very surprised in how well it trims you out in a horizontal position. I'm just curious about the design and reasons why the manufacturer located the front and rear weight pockets were they are.
I like all the feed back, thanks to everyone still cant decide though tried on a aqua lung axiom yesterday and liked that one a lot too was a good fit and comfy, to many decision still on the fence. what do you guys think about aqua lung axioms? thanks for reading and everyone's time
I like all the feed back, thanks to everyone still cant decide though tried on a aqua lung axiom yesterday and liked that one a lot too was a good fit and comfy, to many decision still on the fence. what do you guys think about aqua lung axioms? thanks for reading and everyone's time

Do you have the specs comparing both? Such as weight, lift, buoyancy (positive x lbs), integrated weight capacity, trim pocket locations, accessory pocket capacity, etc. ?
Useful for pro/con analysis.
You may never have an issue with a bladder going bad on a BC or some other problem like an Aqualung i3 unit malfunctioning, but it happens. My first (and current) BC is a secondhand Aqualung Dimension i3. Looked brand new and had all the newfangled awesome gizmos. It's comfy, but now deemed useless by Aqualung. No receipt, no repair of the stupid i3 system that inflates on it's own and has a dump valve that sticks open because the rods inside the bladder got bent somehow.

I'm recommending simplicity and that you look forward to what you might want to be doing in the future. I have no inspiration for tech diving but I am looking at backplate/wing setups for the stability they offer, versatility, being able to replace parts of it without ditching the whole BC, more of a custom fit, less weight to carry on my belt, etc. Consider renting back inflate BCs, backplate/wing combinations, soft backplate/wing, etc. and see what suits you best. What you like now might change though as you develop in your skills.
Somebody said earlier that "BPW is like a religion on scubaboard. With lots of active missionaries preaching the word. And just like a religion they won't be persuaded one way or another!"
Well its because wing / back plate is proven, simple and reliable. That's it.
Looking for new BC you should consider:
- streamlines,
- performance (some wings have better cut than others proving better stability,
high waves position, better trimming options etc),
- durability
and most important keep it simple !
means no chest straps (BCD if fitted right should be like your second skin),
no wing bungees that supposed to (according to manufacturer help in releasing the gas from wing but instead trap the gas making it impossible to dump)
no 100's of buckles, christmas tree ornaments etc. Simple - better.

Please take a look at this one for single tank diving: ZEOS 38 lbs lift complete single tank dive system by xDeep
or doubles: xDeep Hydros 50 lbs double tank scuba BCD


Dive safe !

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