If you can't afford strobes right now, just use the internal flash if you get the Oly housing; at least you'll still be able to practice your u/w photography skills, and then when you can afford the strobes & other accessories, you've already gained some experience.
Good point, some of the best advice I've seen. To add to that, do not add anything else to your camera/housing setup until you fully understand what exactly you are looking for, that will fill a certain need.
Meaning, to stay with the basic setup without any external add on lens (wideangle or closeups) and strobes, get a "baseline" in the areas of max. focus, resolution and the limitations of an internal flash.
Then educate yourself on what is needed to improve your photos. My first addition would be two external strobes. Notice I said two, that is because when shooting at close distances UW, a single strobe is really limited, and they do not have to be new $600 strobes!
I bought two more MS or MV-50 Ikelite substrobes on ebay for $60 each! Yes, they have to be hardwired in but in the end this is the better setup.
I am still on the fence on between the Olympus and Ikelite housings for the 8080, I do have two PT-23 for the 8080 but use Ikelites for my SLRs.
I am going towards the Olympus, because of the Athena wide angle optical "glass" dome port that I what to try out. The Ikelite domes do not look very sharp. Another plus for the Olympus PT-23 is the black rubber skirt on the inside of their flat port, to prevent glare to the lens. The Olympus flat port (included in the PT-23) is also made from optical glass, the Ikelite is plexiglass.
With the largest hi res. lens of all PS cameras, producing razor sharp photos, 8mp, almost no shutter lag, fast focusing etc. the 8080 is tough to beat in UW photography, proven by nick,dan and others in their galleries.
Dive Safe