Lone Metridium

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3D diver

Reaction score
Los Altos, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
So, I found Hole in the wall so early in yesterday's dive I had enough time to look for, and find, Lone Metridium for the first time on my own.

This got me wondering...

I've been diving Lobos since the late 80's and had never heard of hole in the wall, lone metridium, etc. 'til I started diving again last year after a 7-year break. It's no surprise I've never blundered into them before since, up till now, I've been restricting my depth to 50 feet at Lobos. (I've got bigger tanks and a computer now.)

When did these sites get their names & who named them?

How long has the lone metridium been...well...alone? & how long do metridii (metridiums?) live?

Can't answer any of those questions but I do know that if a place isn't suitable to live anymore for a metridium, they will pop themselves off and drift/wiggle to a new location.

It's a lot of fun when they do it in the Monterey Bay Tank at the aquarium; especially when they decided to settle dead center into the window.
I don't know how long Lone Metridium has been lone, but it's at least seven years, because I visited it on my first trip to Monterey.
That was my first time finding it on my own, so...not really. I was lead there once by Mah Jong, and have stared at the BAUE map, so have a feel for the correct direction, but am not sure I can articulate it. I picture that area as being a series of parallel rock channels and went from the end of one channel to the next in what I hoped was the right direction till I came to it.

I'd have to dig my compass out of the garage to be any more specific.

Sorry, I imagine the BAUE folks can 'splain it better.
I picture that area as being a series of parallel rock channels and went from the end of one channel to the next in what I hoped was the right direction till I came to it.
Exactly. Go to Hole in the Wall and then continue W to SW as you come in Cannery Point Wall from the sand channel. Once you get past the wall, go SW over a sand bottom until you get to another big wall. Hang a right on that one and go to the end of it, roughly 100'. When you get to the end, swim around it and look about 20' above the sand bottom. If the water is too clear, LM may be asleep and all you will see is a dirty brown bump on the rock about 5" in diameter.

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