Location Suggestion

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chris z

Reaction score
Seattle, WA
# of dives
50 - 99
Hi all,

My fiance and I have just finished the class/pool work of our certification and are getting ready to do our OW dive next month (in Wisconsin).

We will be getting married next year (summer 2003) and are planning on a diving honeymoon. As we haven't had a vacation in almost 4 years we would like to go someplace exotic with good diving, but not so difficult that we will have trouble a new divers. We are hoping to get a fair amount of diving in this summer, but realize we will still be pretty new at this by the time out honeymoon gets here.

We were thinking of Fiji (up north w/ crystal divers), but aren't really sure. Any suggestions, comments, expierences are greatly appreciated!

-Chris:) :)
Hi Chris:
Welcome to scuba board. And congrats on your upcoming marriage.
If you're thinking Fiji, check out this thread. Lots of info there.
As for me I would say Bonaire if you want to stay in one place.
I was married almost two years ago, and we took a 10 day cruise in the Southern Caribbean.
Good luck!
Hi Chris,

I'm an old friend of the owner of Crystal Divers & have been up that way several times. If you decide to pursue Rakiraki, let me know. It's very good diving, although almost all of best diving in Fiji involves some current.

For easy but exciting diving, and a very romatic atmosphere, I second SunshineFish's suggestion of French Polynesia.

Have a long & happy marriage.


PS: BTW, I was raised in Milwaukee.
Thanks for all the suggestions! We are still in the planning/dreaming phase so we will definitely check them out.

DocVikingo - I'm actually a transplant. I moved here about a year ago (my fiance is a grad student at UW). I grew up in NE Pennsylvania.

Thanks again,
Have a look at Thailand and in particular Phuket/Phi Phi.

You have the option of shore diving, day trips and liveaboards.

Diving around Phuket/Phi Phi is a good introduction to warm water diving and there is plenty to see.

If you want to stretch yourself then a liveaboard to the Similans is highly recommended.

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