I don't want to cheap shots at the NEA, because overall I think it's a pretty nice place, but, I just remember last time I was there seeing that the sand tiger had a big time hunchback, which only occurs in captivity. At first I assumed in was a vitamin D def. but, from what I've heard it's from overfeeding. If it's not from overfeeding, I'd like to hear why people think captive sand Tigers develope this condition which is not seen in the wild. Also, it's my understanding that in the wild these guys feed only at night.
As far as the seahorses, I have not seen the tanks in a while, although last time I saw it it was infested with aptasia and some of the horses where clearly being stung, furthermore the tank seemd (IMO) to swallow and was not natural enough for my liking. Again, I know it's easy for visistors to critize, but, that was just my imppression at the time. I think it's on the second level near the wading pool?
On a more postive note: is it true that the bottom of the GOT is littered with shark teeth?
And are you guys running a protein skimer on the GOT, I heard there was big problem with that a while ago?