Live from Coz

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Cedar Park, TX
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Live from Cozumel....

Yesterday we decided to do a last minute trip to Cozumel. I've got a 2 tank trip booked with Aldora in the morning at 7:30am. I'll post about the trip later, hope everyone else has a great weekend.
Live from Cozumel....

Yesterday we decided to do a last minute trip to Cozumel. I've got a 2 tank trip booked with Aldora in the morning at 7:30am. I'll post about the trip later, hope everyone else has a great weekend.

Right. That will be hard, compared to the weekend YOU will have! Didya post this just to rub it in? ;^)

9 1/2 weeks and counting...
I can't wait to post a rub it in thread like this (30 days and counting).
Being a last minute trip we didn't have much time to plan this. Tuesday night I came home and found out my wifes trip to Plano for the weekend was cancelled. I quickly suggested a trip to Cozumel instead. She bit!

On our last vacation I greatly abused diving ( don't we all!! ) so I was limited to 1 maybe 2 dive days. With this in mind I decided to go with Aldoras. Also taking their suggestion ( aswell as a concurrence form Reef Fish ) we decided to stay at the Bahia. They are very close to Alodras pier, and pretty cheap and clean for the size of room that you get. The huge jaccuzi, extra room for the baby to sleep in and balcony overlooking the ocean is nice to have.

Ok, on the boat with 4 other divers, TransPacII and HP120s. Down to Palancar Caves. A lot of swim throughts to enjoy. Water temp was 79f. Max depth of 94fsw for an hour and fifteen minutes. Pretty good DM... they give advice and then stay out of your face. I like how he shot a SMB to get the boat. The other divers surfaced while me and him dived for another 15 minutes. There wasn't any hint of lets hurry up and get out of the water. We called for a 5 minute safety stop and we did it.

Surface Interval was at Naki Komo ( or something like that ) ... burger and fries for an hour and a half. Joy at Aldoras drove my wife and kid down and we had a nice time relaxing.

Back on the boat to some reef I didn't get the name of. Drift dive in what felt like a 1 knot current. Just a real nice conveyer belt. Darn, I didn't pack my camera. Water temp was 81f on this one, but it felt colder of course. This dive I did on 36% Max Depth 62fsw for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Again we were the last out of the water with no indication of being rushed to end the dive. It seemed like we kinda came to the end of the reef and started getting into a lot of sand and dead coral. Thumbed the dive, did a 5 minute safety stop and back on the boat.

Probably the nicest thing was getting back to the pier and seeing my wife up on the patio of the hotel. Without any responsibilites I just jumped off the boat and took off ( after giving Gustafo a nice tip of course! )

Well we have a couple more days here so I will probably get another dive day in. But even if I don't, I've gotten myself enough of a fix to last until my BlackBeards trip in May.

PS- Wife is going to Plano this weekend so I think I'll be hitting Twin Lakes or Blue Lagoon this weekend.
Nice report Chris. It's always good to hear about Cozumel diving.

Sound like you have a very speical wife too!

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