Eww! That was bad! I have no choice to sentence you to say 100 "Hail Jarrod"s and you must wear a hot pink wetsuit with purple stripes for one season. I further sentence you to a term of probation of one year in which you may not say drink, drank, drunk, stroke or supercalifragelisticexpiealidocious. Bailiff, remand this man to DIR-F!
Jimmy B once bubbled...
Here is a little gem that I just picked off the net and ruined my keyboard when I
read it:
DIR Prayer
This is my long-hose
There are many like it, but this one is mine
It is my life
I must master it, as I must master my life
Without me, my long-hose is useless
Without my long-hose, I am useless
I must route my long-hose true
I must route it better than the stroke, who is trying to imitate me
I will
Before G.I., I swear this creed
My long-hose and myself are defenders of DIR
We are the masters of the strokes
We are the saviours of the strokes
So be it until there are no strokes, but only DIR